New York Penal Law


Title A- General Purposes, Rules of Construction, and Definitions

Article 1. General purposes

Article  5. General rules of construction and application

Article 10. Definitions

Title B- Principles of Criminal Liability

Article 15. Culpability

Article 20. Parties to offenses and liability through accessorial conduct

Title C- Defenses

Article 25. Defenses in general

Article 30. Defense of infancy

Article 35. Defense of justification

Article 40. Other defenses involving lack of culpability


Title E- Sentences

Article 55. Classification and designation of offenses

Article 60. Authorized dispositions of offenders

Article 65. Sentences of probation,conditional discharge and unconditional discharge

Article 70. Sentence of imprisonment for felony

Article 80. Fines

Article 85. Sentence of intermittent imprisonment


Title G- Anticipatory Offenses

Article 100. Criminal solicitation

Article 105. Conspiracy

Article 110. Attempt

Article 115. Criminal facilitation

Title H- Offenses Against the Person Involving Physical Injury, Sexual Conduct, Restraint and Intimidation

Article 120. Assault and related offenses

Article 121. Strangulation and related offenses

Article 125. Homicide, abortion and related offenses

Article 130. Sex offenses

Article 135. Kidnapping, coercion and related offenses

Title I- Offenses Involving Damage to and Intrusion Upon Property

Article 140. Burglary and related offenses

Article 145. Criminal mischief and related offenses

Article 150. Arson

Title J- Offenses Involving Theft

Article 155. Larceny

Article 156. Offenses involving computers; definition of terms

Article 158. Welfare fraud

Article 160. Robbery

Article 165. Other offenses relating to theft

Title K- Offenses Involving Fraud

Article 170. Forgery and related offenses

Article 175. Offenses involving false written statements

Article 176. Insurance fraud

Article 177. Health care fraud

Article 178. Criminal diversion of prescription medications and prescriptions

Article 180. Bribery not involving public servants, and related offenses

Article 185. Frauds on creditors

Article 187. Residential Mortgage Fraud

Article 190. Other frauds

Title L- Offenses Against Public Administration

Article 195. Official misconduct and obstruction of public servants generally

Article 200. Bribery involving public servants and related offenses

Article 205. Escape and other offenses relating to custody

Article 210. Perjury and related offenses

Article 215. Other offenses relating to judicial and other proceedings

Title M- Offenses Against Public Health and Morals

Article 220. Controlled substances offenses

Article 221. Offenses involving marihuana

Article 225. Gambling offenses

Article 230. Prostitution offenses

Article 235. Obscenity and related offenses

Title N- Offenses Against Public Order, Offenses Against Public Order, Public Sensibilities and Right to Privacy

Article 240. Offenses against public order

Article 241. Harassment of rent regulated tenants Repeal Date: 06/16/2015

Article 242. Offenses against service animals and handlers

Article 245. Offenses against public sensibilities

Article 250. Offenses against the right to privacy

Title O- Offenses Against Marriage, the Family, and the Welfare of Children and Incompetents

Article 255. Offenses affecting the marital relationship

Article 260. Offenses relating to children and incompetents

Article 263. Sexual performance by a child

Title P- Offenses Against Public Safety

Article 265. Firearms and other dangerous weapons

Article 270. Other offenses relating to public safety

Article 275. Offenses relating to unauthorized recording of sound


Title W- Provisions Relating to Firearms, Fireworks, Pornography Equipment and Vehicles Used in the Transportation of Gambling Records

Article 400. Licensing and other provisions relating to firearms

Article 405. Licensing and other provisions relating to fireworks

Article 410. Seizure and forfeiture of equipment used in promoting pornography

Article 415. Seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, vessels and aircraft used to transport or conceal gambling records.

Article 420. Seizure and destruction of unauthorized recordings of sound and forfeiture of equipment used in the production thereof.

Article 450. Disposal of stolen property

Title X- Organized Crime Control Act

Article 460. Enterprise corruption

Article 470. Money laundering

Article 480. Criminal forfeiture – felony controlled substance offenses

Title Y- Hate Crimes

Article 485. Hate crimes

Title Y-1- Enacted without title heading

Article 490 Terrorism

Title Z- Laws Repealed; Time of Taking Effect

Article 500. Laws repealed; time of taking effect