Search Results For "Crawford v. Cuomo"

Second Circuit Decision in Crawford v. Cuomo
Crawford v. Cuomo Decision Opinion regarding prisoners rights, explaining that any sexual abuse rises to...
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Amicus Brief in Crawford v. Cuomo Appeal
Appeal in the Second Circuit in a prisoner civil rights matter. Appeal is from motion...
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Reply Brief in Crawford v. Cuomo
Appeal in the Second Circuit in a prisoner civil rights matter. Appeal is from motion...
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Article 78 Petition in the Matter of Law Offices of Adam D. Perlmutter, P.C. against the New York City Police Department
Opposition Brief in Crawford v. Cuomo
Below is the Opposition Brief in the case: Crawfor v. Cuomo. Appeal in the Second...
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Appeal Brief in Crawford v. Cuomo
This is the Appeal Brief in the case Crawford v. Cuomo Appeal in the Second...
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About Daniel A. McGuinness
One of New York's Toughest Lawyers Daniel A. McGuinness founded Perlmutter & McGuinness, P.C. in 2015...
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Prisoners’ Constitutional Rights to be Free from Sexual Abuse Protected by Second Circuit
The Second Circuits Ruling in Crawford v. Cuomo Today Clarifies that Any Sexual Abuse of...
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